Sign-posting Service

Sign-posting Service

What is Signposting?

The provision of information to people visiting the pharmacy, who require further support, advice or treatment which cannot be provided by the pharmacy, on other health and social care providers or support organisations who may be able to assist the person. Where appropriate, this may take the form of a referral.

What our pharmacy hope to achieve

  • To inform or advise people who require assistance, which cannot be provided by the pharmacy, of other appropriate health and social care providers or support organisations
  • To enable people to contact and/or access further care and support appropriate to their needs.
  • To minimise inappropriate use of health and social care services.

Our Signposting service outlined

  • Our pharmacy staff will inform or advise people visiting our online store of other health and social care providers and support organisations, such as patient groups, when appropriate
  • A written referral note may be provided when this is felt appropriate by our pharmacy staff
  • When the patient is known to our pharmacy staff, a record of the advice or referral may be made on the patient’s pharmacy record, when the pharmacist deems it to be of clinical significance
  • PCOs will provide us with details of health and social care providers to whom patients can be referred. Likewise contact details for the local patient and support groups may similarly be provided to us